On 21st February Dublin City Council requested additional information in relation to the Bakery Site Planning Application. The Additional Information requested reflects the concerns of residents in their submissions. The information requested includes the following points:
Traffic: Additional information has been requested regarding a)the drop off point for the crèche, b) the pedestrian/vehicular access along the access road as it is so narrow, c)access route for emergency vehicles, d)potential for pedestrian link through existing laneway to the south, e)number, designation of car-parking spaces and design of ramps, f)details of the entrance with the Phibsborough Road.
Drainage: The Drainage Department stated that there was insufficient information to assess this application and requested significant additional information.
Archaeology: The Archaeologists Department requested an archaeological assessment be carried out on the site as soon as possible.
Photomontages: The applicant was requested to submit photomontages of the proposed scheme viewed from the following locations: the north bank of the Royal Canal adjacent to the 6th Lock; from the junction of Whitworth Road and Prospect Road; from the junction of Ulster Street and Munster Street; computer generated imagery from within the scheme.
Shadow Analysis; A shadow analysis of the scheme using the standard date and time models was requested.
Medical Facility: Additional information was requested on the rationale for the proposed economic consultants. An economic appraisal along with supporting documentation from one or more primary medical facilities was also requested.
Height of Tower: The applicant was requested to justify the location, height and design of proposed 13 storey tower.
Development Standards: A number of the proposed units fall below the development plan standards and the applicant is requested to revise these accordingly. The layout of the decking and lack of privacy of bedroom windows at the eight storey unit is raised as being an issue of concern to the local authority.
Eight Storey Block: The applicant was asked to revisit the design of the eight storey block to allow for more interactivity between the canal walk and the interior of the scheme and to allow for sunlight penetration to the canal side. A break of at least two apartments wide is recommended and the open area to be landscaped accordingly.
Location of Bin/Recycling Area: The applicant has been asked to re-examine at the location of the recycling and bicycle storage areas.
Impact on surrounding houses: Dublin City Council has expressed its concern at the impact of the townhouses on Shandon Road and Shandon Mills and suggests the design of these is amended to take account of these concerns.
The applicant has six months from the date of the request (i.e. to 21 August) to respond to this request.
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